Core L’etoile Workshops
Group Movement Workshops
Katie Rayle created these workshops to take the Core L'etoile movement method to all communities. The workshop is a 1 hour 30 minute movement class teaching a new way of movement in the modern world. Technological advances of the last decade have quickly left our bodies contracted into too much flexion, and our nervous systems worked to maximum capacity. The class retools us, restoring armor to flow, energizing our overall well being through breathing and movement to to maintain our healthiest minds and bodies in this age of technology.
The Half Moon Travel Kit + The Symmetry Band guide and ground the body to deepen diaphramatic breathing, release holding patterns, and reintegrate into deeper core strength. The experience, led by Founder, Katie Rayle educates on easy to do gentle release techniques followed by corrective exercises.
Contact us for rates and availabilty at